Monday, September 10, 2007

Sorry for the long lay-off!

Sorry that I haven't been updating Hawk Circle with my usual alacrity. I've had a few irons in the fire, so to speak. Let me run down some of the stuff that's been going on. Well, I wrote a novella called "Dayhunter", which I'm really proud of. I think it'll eventually see print, though it's possible that I'll have to amplify it into a full novel in order to make it so. I wrote it for an open submission call, but it didn't turn out to be exactly what the publisher was looking for. I'm acutally not that unhappy about it being passed over. I don't think that particular publisher was right for my writing style, in any case. So, that totally erased a month from the calendar, not to mention the fall-out of being tuckered out for half of August.

I've been hustling to get my short stories published, as well. I have, in point of fact, gotten three of them "over the fence" this summer. I had a story featured in both the first and second issues of an online horror magazine, The Open Vein. The names of the two stories are "Among the Remnants" and "The Damaged Drums of Our Souls". I've been talking about them like an insufferable ass on my other sites, but I don't often delve into my fiction over here at Hawk Circle. In addition, my story, "With a Dancer's Grace" will be featured in the upcoming issue of The First Line, a quarterly literary journal. They're a tough market, and I'm happy to get in. I've had several stories passed over by them already.

In addition to those pursuits, I've been hammering out flash fiction for Nasty, Brutish, and Short, my horror/dark fantasy flash fiction site. Though I always tell myself that I'm going to drop back to a posting schedule of every other week, I seem to be posting at least three of my mean little stories a month. I'm up to 19 stories, and I only started in April, so that's not too bad!

Anyway, that's my excuse. I hope you'll check out some of my other pursuits, if they sound interesting to you.



Anonymous said...

Hi Patrick,

I just read "The Damaged Drums of Our Souls" in The Open Vein 2. Another good short story. I'm sorry to hear that "Dayhunter" was not picked up. I like that story a lot. Anyway, damn the basterds and chin up.

Patrick M. Tracy said...


Thanks for reading "Drums". I think it turned out pretty well. As usual, I'm less tickled with it when I come back and read it again, but I have to discount that as a writer's ambition never being totally satisfied.

I'll find a home for Dayhunter. It's too good a story to linger forever in darkness.

As you say, chin up!

Across Inconstant Breath

Would that this skin this frail armor atop the husk of slow departure -  Would that it held against the teeth  of night's maw a...